Friday, August 31, 2012


I just kind of feel like doing a random blog post. I miss blogging but it's very hard to do from my phone and I no longer have a computer. lol So, as soon as I get a laptop, I'll be back to blogging but only periodically. I have decided that if I blog again, I will definitely put more safeguards up, time wise. With 5 children and homeschooling, I just can't slip into endless computer time. I have to be careful with my time.

Okay, some bullet points!

* Sophie May is weighing 12 lbs. and doing great! She eats around every 4 hrs and is sleeping really well.
We had to take her to the ER on Sunday night because she spiked a high fever. Turns out, it was viral. Thank God!

* I've been watching a TON of the Duggar's. I so love their parenting style & their love for their family. My favorite statement Michelle has made is when she is talking about how if she didn't have Josie, or all of these children, how much LOVE she would have missed out on, and how she trusts God with her entire life. I literally watched it with tears streaming down my face. She also talks about how her heart changed towards children. Oh my, how I can relate. I've always loved children but I've definitely been selfish. And, in my experience, I can say that the more children I have, the more selfishness God takes out of me! Just some observations.

*We watched videos of some of the RNC convention. We loved Paul Ryan & Mitt Romney & Clint Eastwood's speeches. I'm so excited about the future of our country under this (hopefully) presidency. A presidency that understands and values family and faith above all else. Loving it!!!

*I'm rereading the book, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Life changing. Believe me, you can never read it enough!!

* We are trying to cut out a lot of our red meat so we are replacing with a lot of vegetarian type meals. It's interesting and GOOD!!!

*Charlie is now self employed, most of the time. He's building cabinets!!! And, he's awesome at it so if you need anything like that, please let us know!!!!

*Claire is starting 2nd grade this year, Lily will be Kindergarten & Drew will be doing Pre-K. We are continuing to homeschool and I will be the FIRST to admit that it is the hardest thing I have ever done but it is also the most amazing wonderful thing I have ever done!!!! We have grown so much as a family and I truly LOVE having my wonderful children with me every day. Some days I need my "mama time" desperately and some days I just don't get it, but we all survive. And, we are so excited to start our new curriculum this year...we are focusing, among other things, on character & American history this year. Everything, every subject we teach will center around these two things. Science, Art, History, Math, Music, everything!!!! I soooo love unit studies! :)

*We are enjoying visiting my sister and her family this week. We are so grateful for the time we have got to spend with them lately. :) Blessed.

*Prayers are needed for my Dad and my Mom. We are unsure what all is going on with him but we need the prayers of the faithful. Thanks so very much.

♥♥Much Love♥♥


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